Introduction to Company
InColour was established in 2014 as a sub-initiative of a chemical company to print labelling for the Chemical products. Situated in Bloemfontein, InColour has developed over the past few years into a successful independent signwriting, branding and labelling company recognised and associated with a wide range of local businesses.
Vision Statement
To provide the best signwriting, designing, branding services and products on time. Within budget and without deferring on our expert service delivery and attention to detail.
Mission Statement
In Colour strive to
- Deliver the best service and products
- Provide the best branding solutions and cost-efficient advice
- Maintain our high market standards and passion for our trade
- Develop our team’s knowledge and skills continuously
- Ensure the best customer service possible
Additional Information about Signage and Branding
When did the use of commercial signage start?
The use of commercial signage has a very ancient history. Retail signage and promotional signs appear to have developed independently in the East and the West. In antiquity, the ancient Egyptians, Romans and Greeks were known to use signage. In ancient Rome, signboards were used for shop fronts as well as to announce public events.
Roman signboards were usually made from stone or terracotta. Alternatively, they were whitened areas, known as albums on the outer walls of shops, forums and marketplaces. Many Roman examples have been preserved; among them the widely recognized bush to indicate a tavern, from which is derived the proverb, “A good wine needs no bush”.
Apart from the bush, certain identifiable trade signs that survive into modern times include the three balls of pawnbrokers and the red and white barber’s pole. Of the signs identified with specific trades, some of these later evolved into trademarks. This suggests that the early history of commercial signage is intimately tied up with the history of branding and labelling ~
Why are Business Signs and Branding Important?
If you are a business owner, or are planning to start a business, an important consideration is how you plan to use signage. A creative, attractive sign can help your business stand apart from the competition, it’s also the base of creating your brand identity. Customers are more likely to purchase from a business they have already heard of, so a sign can help in terms of cognitive mapping for future sales.
Signs serve as a silent salesperson for your business. Exterior signs that are large and have a creative design draw attention to your place of business and help differentiate it from others around it. Interior signs help customers locate merchandise and can lead to impulsive sales as well as make your place of business consumer friendly.
Exterior signs can be building-mounted or ground-mounted. Ground-mounted signs come in a variety of shapes and sizes and are typically mounted near a road to attract the attention of passing drivers. Building-mounted signs are attached to buildings itself and may be useful in areas where foot traffic is prevalent, such as a busy road or shopping centre.
Signs can be an essential component of a business’s overall marketing and branding strategy. A sign that contains a business’s logo can help reinforce its brand, which creates the cognitive mapping process. Signs can also be used to draw attention to promotions and to convey information about the business. Because an exterior sign is visible 24 hours a day, its effect is continuous.
Signs can also be great and quite effective for off-premises use. Strategically placed billboards can convey a concise message to passing drivers.
You can also place magnetic signs on the side of your vehicle to serve as a form of mobile advertising as well as pay other motorists to place signs on their own vehicles for additional reach and driver familiarity.